An extreme seasonal shift not only cues a drastic change in your wardrobe, it also means that it’s time to adjust your beauty routine. Durin...
An extreme seasonal shift not only cues a drastic change in your wardrobe, it also means that it’s time to adjust your beauty routine. During the winter, it’s all about moisturizing
While we all know that the brisk bite of cold weather does a real number on your skin, it can also do some real damage to your hair. Luckily, it’s just as easy to protect! Since we’re all about stepping up our DIY beauty game, these 12 hair masks are all super simple to make, using only six all-natural ingredients or less to revitalize your mane. So what are you waiting for? Show your locks some love with these homemade hair moisturizers.
1. Avocado and Peppermint Hair Mask: A mix of avocado, olive oil, and honey is a foolproof way to lock moisture into your hair. Sprinkle in peppermint tea to stimulate your scalp, which adds a refreshing element to this creamy concoction. (via Free People Blog)
2. Shealo Butter: When Shea butter and aloe vera join forces, they’re a force as unstoppable as Beyonce and Jay-Z. Not only does this mixture strengthen and moisturize your hair, but it also hydrates and soothes your skin. (via Urban Bush Babes)
3. Raw Egg and Olive Oil: Okay, so there might be two kind-of creepy ingredients on this all-natural hair moisturizer list, and raw egg is one of them. But trust us and the bloggers over at Free People: the power lies within the egg yolk, which is naturally moisturizing and rich in protein. (via Free People Blog)
4. Yogurt Hair Mask: Here’s another protein-packed ingredient that acts as a great hair moisturizer: yogurt! If you’re moisturizing in the morning, add a scoop to a mix of lemon juice and egg (there it is again!) and a scoop into the blender for your breakfast smoothie! ;) (via Whole Living)
5. Banana and Almond Oil: It makes sense that bananas would be as good for your hair as they are for you to eat, which seems to be the case for most of these edible hair mask ingredients. The crushed fruit softens and protects your locks while the almond oil holds the moisture in place, resulting in a super smooth mane.
6. Pumpkin and Honey: If you still have canned pumpkin lurking in your cabinets from Thanksgiving, this might be the most beneficial way to use it up! Mix the vitamin-rich ingredient with moisturizing honey, slather it on your hair, then toss on a shower cap to keep it in place for about 15 minutes before you rinse. (via Henry Happened)
7. Beer and Banana: Seeing beer as an ingredient in this hair mask makes us feel better about any unfortunate party fouls (beer spills) that may have occurred in college. ;) ‘Cause apparently, beer is a natural volumizer, possessing thickening properties that make your hair full and flowy. The more you know! (via DIY Fashion)
8. Avocado Oil, Mayo, and Honey: Alright, here is slightly uncomfortable natural ingredient number two: mayonnaise. This blogger insists you make your own, and since the condiment is made of whisked egg and oil—both repeat ingredients in many of these recipes—it makes a lot of sense after all. Hey, if you can slather it on a sandwich, you can definitely slather it on your hair! (At least that’s what we’re gonna tell ourselves!).
9. Aloe and Coconut: You see aloe vera listed as an ingredient in tons of skin products, but have you ever actually seen a leaf in real life? We love that this blogger takes the time to extract the gel herself—it’s an inspiring move that’s got us on the hunt for our own aloe plant!
10. Hot Oil Hair Treatment: Yeah, this sounds pretty dangerous (hot oil plus skin equals potential burning disaster), but lots of beauty buffs swear by this treatment, so bottom line is take precaution. Heat your oil in the microwave only for about 30 seconds, then apply to your hair and leave in for 30 minutes before you shampoo. (via Gimme Some Style)
11. Coconut Oil and Honey: Say sayonara to damaged hair with this moisture-packed hair mask. This moisturizer is easiest to apply to wet hair, then once it’s in, leave it for about 40 minutes for especially velvety results. (via The Everygirl)
12. Milk and Honey Hair Mask: This protein-rich milk and honey mask not only moisturizes and strengthens, but it also removes your hair’s dead skin cells (thanks lactic acid!), which results in luscious, rejuvenated locks. Milk: it does a hairdo good! (via All Women Stalk)
What are your go-to beauty remedies for dry hair? Do you use a hair mask or moisturizer before you shampoo? Tell us about your winter beauty routine in the comments below!
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